Cool Hand Movers

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Save on Moving Costs

It could be less expensive than you think.

The Cool Hand Movers team has assembled some of our favorite ways to save on moving expenses. You can always request an estimate adjustment if you take advantage of the tips below. Also check our discount page for current promotions.

  1. Ask around. Early.

    There are a few money-saving tips that work best when you plan ahead. As soon as you know you’ll be moving, start asking around about moving companies. Friends and family likely have companies they can refer you to as a starting point.

    Also, groups that you’re a part of, like parents’ organizations, co-ops, or even the company you work for, may be able to refer you to a tried-and-true team and snag you a few bucks off of the rate. Even if you’re thinking of doing the move yourself or with buddies, ask for a referral and get a quote. You may be surprised, but hiring professional movers can be more affordable than renting a truck and having friends lug your DVD collection up a few flights.

2. Clean out your closet.

This major budget-saver is usually overlooked. That’s because people push packing to the last minute when there’s no time to sort through what is worth keeping. So, they don’t end up having time to sift through items before tossing them into boxes. What really needs to go to the new place? Does that hutch fit in the new kitchen? Will you ever wear that sweater again?

If you start weeding out the unnecessary items early, you’ll get more accurate moving estimates. You won’t see an inflated price that includes moving items you’ll probably toss, donate, or sell right after the move. Here are a few methods for leaning out your move inventory:

  • For those with a good headstart, here are several decluttering methods that only take a few minutes a day.

  • But there isn’t always time to make decluttering a habit. If you’re willing to tackle an entire room at a time, we recommend Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method. If you haven’t seen her on Netflix, you’ve probably at least heard of her sweeping home transformations.

  • You can also hire a professional organizer. The Home Edit is the New York celebrity favorite of the moment. Since we are talking about saving money, may we suggest The Home Edit’s best strategies in paperback?

3. Gather up supplies (or rent reusable moving bins).

Recycling boxes sounds like a good idea for the planet and your wallet. That’s true, it can be. But boxes that aren’t in good condition can cost you in damages and prolonged handling. Boxes worth keeping should still be rigid, easily sealed with tape, and never previously exposed to water. Any boxes that aren’t up to the job should be recycled.

Alternatively, reusable, plastic moving crates offer a sturdy, green alternative. Packing clients who opt for using moving bins also receive a significant discount versus having us build and pack cardboard boxes.

4. Book directly with a local New York City moving company.

Booking services directly with small businesses is better for everyone. Sites that gather quotes for services take money away from service providers, just like delivery apps, and force prices up for clients. Our services are not available via other moving booking platforms. That means you get our lowest prices for moving when you book directly with us.